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I booked the night a Woodenbong hotel in the heart of Yowie Country, Woodenbong Hotel is north west of Kyogle or just under 2 hours from Brisbane just of the

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About Daniel Hickey

What a country we live in Australia, the distance to travel on country roads to find the most diverse animals, people, Towns and countryside in this beautiful Island nation.

I would like to share with you these new destinations the best food, hotels, products, culture and even aussie art and music. This site is about diversity, lifestyle and how Australian are the most generous and accepting race in the world and can still have a laugh at itself.     

In most of Australian country town and city’s we are constantly evolving and inventing new and amazing products from pizzas to farm equipment because we have the freedoms and free mind to dream and believe than have a go. I enjoy meeting these people and going to these places to photograph blog and video record Vlogging.   
