Australian Hotel , Boonah. QLD Australia Built 1937 Grand old entry way to the dinning area Dinning room History and memorys of the people who have shared a beer hereGreat old public bar loads of history around the bar you will find the odd crack publiic bar with the photos and timber workmanship Historical Photos are placed all over the Hotel Historic Photos located in the Hotel the room are quaint and historic but have a history Pub style Accomadation with family rooms Book ahead in Boonah limited accomadationfamily, couples and single accomadation The Australian Hotel, Boonah, Queensland, Dinning room 1937 old beer chest rare find from behind the bar Pool table Located just out the baack of the public bar The Australian Hotel Boonah has recorded poltergeist activity has also been documented in Room 7 the door under the stairs MUST stay open at all time.