Billinudgel Hotel, Northern New South Wales. Australia
1 Wilfred Street Billinudgel NSW 2483
Billinudgel Hotel, Northern New South Wales Australia Beer Garden dining court yard live entertainment area Tennis court and kids play ground This is a famous bird it’s wild and came to the pub most days Sunday afternoon session live music local sit back and relax stay the night This is an real pub not far from Byron Bay Brunswick Heads or the Gold Coast Live music stage all misic welcome and great local musos Play here Masive beer garden under cover large food court good pub grub rea food pub pricesyou can spend a day in the pub old photos and interesting history of the pub how good is this get this into ya, it fresh or off the menu It”s Pub food and the beers cold heaps of nooks and hidy holes and the floor board are worth the look the history of the pub Last of the good old Pubs bring your kid this is Australia the boys riped up the lino -vinal and the floor board have their own history The pub as not changed it is worth staying the night< I love this pub and the owner the boy that run it are passionate about the family history and they all have gone though hard times The pub has kept the history and it 100 years of one family Main Street Billinudgel Northern New South Wales “photos on the walls of the pub” hand made chairs and the floor board, after all the floods over 100 years this pub is still here small rooms and the timber work in and around the pub The public bar it is amazing the timber the windows veranders alround green as green Billinudgel Hotel, Northern New South Wales Australia colection of old marketing posters accross the road from the pubthis woman ran this pub for best part of her life the back yard what a beer garden to have a beer on Sunday
One of the best pubs in Northern New South Wales