Imperial Hotel, Coonabarabran. New South Wales.Australia
70 John St, Coonabarabran NSW 2357
The Imperial Hotel Coonabarabran was first licensed in 1872Wide veranders this massive The Imperial Hotel is an impressive country hotel for Coonabarabran’s public bar would be full of sheep shearer, cattlemen, drovers Something for everyone punters included Historic Photos on the walls Heaps of bars and areas to explore Timber work in the bar and areound the rooms and Tooheys Old on Tap The Imperial Hotel also has a restaurant, serving good value counter meals in a family dining roommain staircase to the accommodation area of the Imperial Hotel Historic photos on thre pub wallsMain Dining room amazing fire places They also offer catering services to different functions children play area There will be two saloon bars, one large public bar and public parlorThe Imperial Hotel offers large rang of Cold beers and the Tooheys OldThe Imperial Hotel, Coonabarabran gets abit cold in winter The Imperial Hotel is an impressive country hotel for Coonabarabran’s Summer Beergarden out back serving good value counter meals in a family dining room, and a children’s playroommenu