Rathdowney Hotel (Rathy Pub)lawn bowls, equestrian activities, rugby league, soccer, cricket, touch football, tennis and fishing. The Rathdowney Hotel Social Fishing Club Rathdowney include a hotel-motel, caravan park, services station and butcherThe village has a primary school, memorial hall, churches, library, police station, voluntary fire brigade, voluntary ambulance and a swimming pool.Great pub branding irons brand the ceiing rafters bit of glare, locals making their way home down the hill “god bless them” no animal harmed that day Ok this is a public bar for you new to the pub scene the guy in the hat has a plark forwere he sits dinning room though from the public bar pool table hand carved slates of timber for the ceiling all tinber and tin When your in the bar look to see who is the asehole of the week, just lift the lid everyone gets a laugh The Rathdowney Hotel Social Fishing Club attracts thousands of fishermen to the town each Easter for its Carpbusting Competition back dinning room out the baclk the beer garden let the kids go, their is also accomadation out the back with a pool the Scenic Rim is a year-round destination brimming with foodie experiences,is the gateway to the wilderness areas of Mount Barney National Park.Full of things to see and do, the Scenic Rim is just 80km or an hour’s drive from Brisbane and the Gold Coast in South-East Queensland.no french dog alowed worth a look with the timber works in the pub country pub good people pub counter meals for price let the kid play outback sit back enjoy all the ussual suspects steaksandwich and chips